AiS VetCorp Face Book

AiS VetCorp Face Book
Student Veterans Resource: You MUST be logged in to Facebook to follow link!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Winter Holidays from The Student Activity Center

Whether you're here in Seattle for the Holidays spending time with family and friends or out-of-state for a short break with your family afar, The Student Activity Center wants to wish you and yours a very Happy Winter Holiday and fantastic New Year! I hope you're taking time to enjoy the quiet and the closeness of others. If you need tips for places to go here in town or need ideas to get out and about to see sights or go snowboarding, etc..., you can contact Brad Huggins at and he'll gladly give you some ideas that fit your interests. As well, look forward to an amazing Welcome Week when you come back on January 10th, including the Club Connector, a Scavenger Hunt with serious prizes and an AiS Band Night on Friday, January 14th! On that note, if you have a band that you'd like to get onto the stage in front of your fellow students and friends, please let me know and send me a link to some sample of your sound, if you have it.

Happy Holiday and I'll see you in Winter Quarter of 2011!

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