AiS VetCorp Face Book

AiS VetCorp Face Book
Student Veterans Resource: You MUST be logged in to Facebook to follow link!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Constitution Day ! You have the right to vote! ...and win prizes!

September 17th is Constitution Day. In honor of this observance, we're going to raffle prizes to students who complete a Constitution Quiz. There will be three winners drawn from the correctly completed entries. The quiz is being emailed to your student email address and can also be found on the Clubs & Council FORMS link (down below to the left on this blog page) where you can also find other information about getting involved in Clubs and Student Council at The Art Institute of Seattle. The League of Women Voters is also having a fundraiser coming up on October 17th and would love some volunteers who can gain free entrance to the event!

** The Art Institute is not endorsing or supporting the views or politics of this organization**

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